Can you boost when you don’t have labels?
This post provides a very brief overview of my own, original adaptation of the AdaBoost algorithm to the problem of (heterogeneous) causal effect estimation as part of my undergraduate thesis on causal machine learning. It also includes a light introduction to boosting and uplift modelling, though a basic knowledge of probabilities and decision trees is assumed.
Uplift modelling is a branch of machine learning that aims to predict the causal effect of an action (“treatment”) on a given individual [1]. To illustrate, consider a marketing campaign where individuals either do or don’t receive a particular ad (the treatment), and the outcome is whether they made a purchase. The goal is to select individuals most likely to respond positively to the campaign. Causal effect estimation has also seen use in many fields outside of marketing, including medicine, A/B testing and econometrics.
We consider a formalism of the problem in terms of the potential outcomes framework [2]. Given a dataset of \(N\) independent and identically distributed \((X_i, W_i, Y_i)\) where \(X_i \in \mathcal{X}\) are per-individual features, while \(W_i \in \{0, 1\}\) and \(Y_i \in \{0, 1\}\) denote the individual’s treatment assignment and outcome respectively. Let \(\{Y_i(0), Y_i(1)\}\) be the potential outcomes we would have observed had individual \(i\) be assigned treatment \(W_i=0\) or \(1\) respectively. The causal effect of treatment on individual \(i\) is the Individual Treatment Effect (ITE), defined as:
\[\tau_i := Y_i(1) - Y_i(0)\]
Unfortunately, ITE is not identifiable as we cannot simultaneously observe both potential outcomes: we only observe \(Y_i=Y_i(W_i)\) (this is often referred to as the Fundamental Problem of Causal Inference). Instead, we seek to estimate the conditional average treatment effect (CATE):
\[\tau(\mathbf x) := \mathbb E[Y(1) - Y(0) \mid X=\mathbf x]\]
Assumption 1 (Unconfoundedness). Potential outcomes are independent of treatment assignment: \(\{Y_i(0), Y_i(1)\} \perp W_i \mid X_i\)
In order to identify the CATE, we assume unconfoundedness (Assumption 1) which yields the result (proof in the Appendix):
\[\begin{align} \tau(\mathbf x) &= \mathbb E[Y(1) \mid X=\mathbf x] - \mathbb E[Y(0) \mid X=\mathbf x] \nonumber \\ &= \mathbb E[Y \mid W=1, X=\mathbf x] - \mathbb E[Y \mid W=0, X=\mathbf x] \label{eq:cateuplift} \end{align}\]
which is often referred to as the uplift. Unconfoundedness means that \(W_i\) only affects which of the potential outcomes \(\{Y_i(0), Y_i(1)\}\) is observed, without affecting how they are each generated.
The uplift literature will often make another, stronger assumption that the data originates from a randomised control trial (RCT):
Assumption 2 (Randomised Treatment Assignment). \(e(X_i) = 0.5 = (1-e(X_i))\)
where we write \(e(X_i) = \Pr(W_i = 1 \mid X_i)\) for the treatment propensity. That is, each individual is equally likely to be assigned to the treatment or control group.
The straightforward way to model uplift is to estimate \(\mathbb E[Y| W=1, X=\mathbf x]\) and \(\mathbb E[Y| W=1, X=\mathbf x]\) separately. However, since it is not the absolute values of the responses, but the differences in potential outcomes that matter when estimating treatment effect, modelling \(\tau(\mathbf x)\) directly can produce better results.
To that end, Rzepakowski and Jaroszewicz propose a modified decision tree for direct uplift estimation [3]. Their procedure is similar to fitting a normal decision tree, in that the model is built by greedily partitioning \(\mathcal X\) into regions \(R_1, \ldots, R_J\) (each of which corresponds to a leaf node in the tree) according to a splitting criterion.
Since the more ubiquitous splitting criteria based on maximising class homogeneity don’t apply (recall: we can’t observe \(\tau_i\)), the authors propose several criteria based on maximising the divergence between the treatment and control distributions \((Y|W=1), (Y|W=0)\). They argue that, of these, Euclidean distance is superior because of its symmetry and stability. For a binary tree with binary \(W_i\), this reduces to maximising (further details in the Appendix):
\[ \begin{equation} \mathcal C^\mathrm{Euclidean} := \Pr(\mathbf x \in R_\mathrm{Left}) \hat\tau(R_\mathrm{Left})^2 + \Pr(\mathbf x \in R_\mathrm{Right}) \hat\tau(R_\mathrm{Right})^2 \label{eq:utobjective} \end{equation} \]
when splitting into left and right child nodes with regions \(R_\mathrm{Left}, R_\mathrm{Right}\). We write \(\hat\tau(R_j)\) for the empirical average treatment effect in region \(R_j\) (over our training set):
\[ \begin{equation} \hat \tau(R_j) := \mathbb E[Y \mid W=1, \mathbf x \in R_j] - \mathbb E[Y \mid W=0, \mathbf x \in R_j] \end{equation} \]
The prediction at each leaf node of the tree is then the empirical average treatment effect in the associated region.
Lastly, Rzepakowski and Jaroszewicz also propose a regularisation technique penalising splits that produce imbalanced treatment and control groups.
Some of the best performing models on classical machine learning problems are those based around boosting an ensemble of weak learners (usually trees). Thus, a natural progression from Rzepakowski and Jaroszewicz’ decision tree is to ask whether it can be boosted.
Boosting takes a basis function \(h : \mathcal X \to \mathbb R\) and produces an additive model \(H_T(\mathbf x) = \sum_{t=1}^T \alpha_t h_t (\mathbf x)\). Typically, the ensemble is fit by minimising a (convex and differentiable) loss function \(L\) over the training data:
\[ \begin{equation} \label{eq:boosting} \min_{\{\alpha_t, h_t \}_1^T} \sum_{i=1}^N L(y_i, \sum_{t=1}^T \alpha_t h_t(\mathbf x_i)) \end{equation} \]
Often, this is not a feasible computation. Forward Stagewise Additive Modelling (FSAM) approximates the solution to (\(\ref{eq:boosting}\)) by greedily fitting each basis function. We start by initialising \(H_0(\mathbf x) := 0\). Then, at each iteration \(t\) we solve for the optimal basis function \(h_t\) and corresponding weight \(\alpha_t\), given the functions we have already fit:
\[ \begin{equation} \label{eq:fsam} h_{t+1}, \alpha_{t+1} = \mathrm{argmin}_{h \in \mathcal H, \alpha \in \mathbb R^+} \sum_{i=1}^N L(y_i, H_t(\mathbf x_i)+\alpha h(\mathbf x_i)) \end{equation} \]
and update our ensemble: \(H_{t+1} := H_t + \alpha_{t+1} h_{t+1}\).
One way to solve for (\(\ref{eq:fsam}\)) is gradient descent in functional space. We write \(\ell(H_t) = \sum_{i=1}^N L(y_i, H_t(x_i))\) for our total loss. Fixing a small step-size \(\alpha\), we can use a Taylor approximation on \(\ell(H_t + \alpha h)\) to find an almost optimal \(h\):
\[ \begin{align} \mathrm{argmin}_{h \in \mathcal H} \ell (H_t + \alpha h) &\approx \mathrm{argmin}_{h \in \mathcal H} \;\ell (H_t) + \alpha \langle \nabla \ell (H_t), h \rangle \nonumber \\ &= \mathrm{argmin}_{h \in \mathcal H} \; \langle \nabla \ell (H_t), h \rangle \nonumber\\ &= \mathrm{argmin}_{h \in \mathcal H} \sum_{i=1}^N \frac{\partial \ell}{\partial [H_t(\mathbf x_i)]} h(\mathbf x_i) \label{eq:vecapprox}\\ &= \mathrm{argmax}_{h \in \mathcal H} \sum_{i=1}^N \underbrace{-\frac{\partial \ell}{\partial [H_t(\mathbf x_i)]}}_{t_i} h(\mathbf x_i) \label{eq:graddesc} \end{align} \]
In (\(\ref{eq:vecapprox}\)), we use the fact that a function \(f(\cdot)\) in our functional space is completely specified by its values on our training set \(f(\mathbf x_1), \ldots, f(\mathbf x_n)\), and hence can be considered a vector \(\vec f \in \mathbb R^N\).
The final result (\(\ref{eq:graddesc}\)) has the intuitive interpretation of finding the basis function \(h\) closest to the negative gradient of the loss \(\vec t\). Note that \(h\) need not be perfectly optimal to make progress. As long as \(\sum_{i=1}^N t_i h(\mathbf x_i) > 0\) (that is, the basis function & negative gradient lie on the same side of the hyperplane), our loss \(\ell\) will decrease. This is the weak learner condition: our basis function must be better than a random function \(h_R\), for which we would expect \(\sum_{i=1}^N t_i h_R(\textbf x_i) = 0\).
One of the most popular, and earliest, boosting algorithms is the AdaBoost algorithm [4]. It was later shown to be a special case of FSAM, with \(y_i \in \{-1, 1\}\), \(h(\mathbf x_i) \in [-1,1]\) 1 and optimising for exponential loss [6]:
\[ \begin{equation} L(y, f(x)) = \exp({-y f(x)}) \end{equation} \]
First, we show that \(\ell(H_t)\) at each iteration is equivalent to minimising loss for the basis function under a re-weighted distribution:
\[ \begin{align} h_{t+1} &= \mathrm{argmax}_{h \in \mathcal H} \sum_{i=1}^N t_i h(\mathbf x_i) \nonumber \\ &= \mathrm{argmax}_{h \in \mathcal H} \sum_{i=1}^N -\left[\frac{\partial}{\partial H_t(\mathbf x_i)} \sum_{i=1}^N \exp(-y_iH_t(\mathbf x_i))\right] h(\mathbf x_i) \nonumber \\ &= \mathrm{argmax}_{h \in \mathcal H} \sum_{i=1}^N \exp(-y_i H_t(\mathbf x_i)) y_i h(\mathbf x_i) \nonumber \\ &= \mathrm{argmax}_{h \in \mathcal H}\; \frac{1}{\sum_{i=1}^N \exp(-y_i H_t(\mathbf x_i))} \sum_{i=1}^N \exp(-y_i H_t(\mathbf x_i)) y_i h(\mathbf x_i) \nonumber \\ &= \mathrm{argmax}_{h \in \mathcal H} \mathbb E_{i \sim D_t} [y_i h(\mathbf x_i)] \label{eq:adaobjective} \\ \end{align} \]
where \(D_t(i) = \frac{\exp(-y_i H_t(\mathbf x_i))}{\sum_{j=1}^N \exp(-y_j H_t(\mathbf x_i))} = \frac{1}{Z_t}\exp(-y_i H_t(\mathbf x_i))\) is the weight associated with \(i^\mathrm{th}\) training sample. Note that the normalisation factor \(Z_t\) is identical to the total loss \(\ell(H_t)\). Each weight \(D_t(i)\) can be interpreted as the relative contribution of the \(i^\text{th}\) training sample to the total loss. Moreover, in the discrete case where \(h(\mathbf x_i) \in \{-1,1\}\), the learning objective (\(\ref{eq:adaobjective}\)) is equivalent to maximising accuracy under the re-weighted distribution.
Most boosting algorithms do not yield a tractable solution for the optimal step-size \(\alpha_{t+1}\) (hence \(\alpha\) is often left as a fixed hyperparameter). However, AdaBoost is exceptional in that we can find a (near) optimal step-size. A consequence is that AdaBoost converges fast and overfits slowly [6].
In order to find the optimal \(\alpha_{t+1}\), consider the FSAM minimisation procedure (\(\ref{eq:fsam}\)):
\[ \begin{align} \alpha_{t+1} &= \mathrm{argmin}_{\alpha \in \mathbb R^+} \sum_{i=1}^N \exp(-y_i (H_t(\mathbf x_i) + \alpha h(\mathbf x_i))) \nonumber\\ &= \mathrm{argmin}_{\alpha \in \mathbb R^+} \sum_{i=1}^N \exp(-y_i H_t(\mathbf x_i)) \exp(-\alpha y_i h(\mathbf x_i)) \nonumber\\ &= \mathrm{argmin}_{\alpha \in \mathbb R^+} \mathbb E_{i \sim D_t} [\exp(-\alpha y_i h(\mathbf x_i))] \label{eq:alphaobjective} \\ \end{align} \]
Schapire and Singer propose an upper bound on the objective (\(\ref{eq:alphaobjective}\)):
\[ \begin{equation} \mathbb E_{i \sim D_t}[\exp(-\alpha y_i h(\mathbf x_i))] \leq \mathbb E_{i \sim D_t}\left[\frac{1+y_i h(\mathbf x_i)}{2} e^{-\alpha} + \frac{1-y_i h(\mathbf x_i)}{2} e^{\alpha}\right] \end{equation} \]
this upper bound is valid since \(y_i h(\mathbf x_i) \in [-1, 1]\) 2. The step-size minimising the upper bound can be found analytically, giving:
\[ \begin{equation}\alpha_{t+1} = \frac{1}{2} \ln (\frac{1+r_{t+1}}{1-{r_{t+1}}})\end{equation} \]
where \(r_{t+1} = \mathbb E_{i \sim D_t} [y_i h(\mathbf x_i)]\).
We now return to our original question: is it possible to apply a boosting algorithm (in particular, the AdaBoost algorithm) to Rzepakowski and Jaroszewicz’ uplift decision tree? Once again, the Fundamental Problem of Causal Inference adds a difficulty: there is no obvious labelling to use as we cannot observe the ground truth \(\tau_i\).
Let us consider the following simple class transformation:
\[ \begin{equation} \hat Y_i := \begin{cases} +1 & \mathrm{if}\; W_i = Y_i \\ -1 & \mathrm{otherwise}\; (W_i \neq Y_i) \end{cases} \end{equation} \]
We naïvely assume there is a positive causal effect for positive outcomes in the treatment group or negative outcomes in the control group, and a negative causal effect otherwise.
Since \(\hat Y_i \in \{-1, 1\}\), it is a suitable label for AdaBoost. To find the function that would be estimated by the model, we first examine the exponential loss population minimiser:
\[ \begin{equation} f^*(x) = \mathrm{argmin}_{f(x)}\mathbb E_{Y \mid x}\exp{(-Y f(x))} = \frac{1}{2} \log \frac{\Pr(Y=1 \mid x)}{\Pr(Y=-1 \mid x)} \end{equation} \]
which can easily be found analytically.
The relevant probability for \(\hat Y\) is:
\[ \begin{align} \Pr(\hat Y = 1 | X = \mathbf x) ={}& e(\mathbf x)\Pr(Y = 1 | W=1, X = \mathbf x) \nonumber \\ &+ (1-e(\mathbf x))\Pr(Y = 0 | W=0, X=\mathbf x) \nonumber \\ ={}& e(\mathbf x)\mathbb E[Y \mid W=1, X=\mathbf x] \nonumber \\ &+ (1-e(\mathbf x))(1-\mathbb E[Y \mid W=0, X=\mathbf x]) \end{align} \]
If we assume random treatment assignment (Assumption 2), this gives:
\[ \begin{align} \Pr (\hat Y = 1 | X = \mathbf x) &= \frac{1}{2}\mathbb E[Y \mid W=1, X=\mathbf x] + \frac{1}{2}(1-\mathbb E[Y \mid W=0, X=\mathbf x]) \nonumber \\ &= \frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{2} \tau (\mathbf x) \end{align} \]
In fact, under random treatment assignment \(\hat Y\) is an unbiased estimator of \(\tau(\mathbf x)\):
\[ \begin{align} \mathbb E[\hat Y = 1 | X= \mathbf x] &= (\frac{1}{2} + \frac{1}{2}\tau(\mathbf x)) - (\frac{1}{2} - \frac{1}{2}\tau(\mathbf x)) \nonumber \\ &= \tau(\mathbf x) \end{align} \]
Hence, AdaBoost with labels \(\hat Y_i\) yields the additive model:
\[ \begin{align} H_T(\mathbf x) &\approx \mathrm{argmin}_{\{\alpha_t, h_t\}_1^T} \mathbb E_{\hat Y \mid \mathbf x}\exp\left ({-\hat Y \left [\sum_{t=1}^T \alpha_t h_t(\mathbf x)\right ]} \right ) \nonumber \\ &=\frac{1}{2} \log \frac{\Pr(\hat Y = 1 |X=\mathbf x)}{\Pr(\hat Y = -1 \mid X=\mathbf x)} \nonumber \\ &=\frac{1}{2} \log \frac{1+ \tau(\mathbf x)}{1 - \tau(\mathbf x)} \end{align} \]
Which with a simple transformation gives us the desired estimator:
\[ \begin{equation} \hat H_T(\mathbf x) := 2 \left[\frac{1}{1+e^{-2 H_T(\mathbf x)}}\right] - 1 \approx \tau(\mathbf x) \end{equation} \]
Having demonstrated that AdaBoost with labels \(\hat Y_i\) can directly model uplift, we now show that Rzepakowski and Jaroszewicz’ uplift decision tree is a suitable weak learner.
The first requirement, that \(h(\mathbf x_i) \in [-1, 1]\), is trivially satisfied: for any leaf node \(R_j\) we have \(\hat \tau(R_j) \in [-1, 1]\). Next, we show that, after re-weighting, the basis function objective (\(\ref{eq:adaobjective}\)) with labels \(\hat Y\) is approximately the same as the decision tree fitting objective (\(\ref{eq:utobjective}\)):
\[ \begin{align} \mathbb E_{i \sim D_t}[\hat Y_i h(\mathbf x_i)] &= \sum_{j=1}^J \mathbb E_{i \sim D_t}[\hat Y_i h(\mathbf x_i) | \mathbf x_i \in R_j] \Pr_{i \sim D_t}(\mathbf x_i \in R_j) \label{eq:sumnodes}\\ &= \sum_{j=1}^J \hat \tau(R_j) \mathbb E_{i \sim D_t}[\hat Y_i | \mathbf x_i \in R_j] \Pr_{i \sim D_t}(\mathbf x_i \in R_j) \nonumber \\ &= \sum_{j=1}^J \hat \tau(R_j) \mathbb E_{i \sim D_t} [\tau(\mathbf x_i) | \mathbf x_i \in R_j] \Pr_{i \sim D_t}(\mathbf x_i \in R_j) \label{ass:objrct} \\ &= \sum_{j=1}^J \hat \tau(R_j)^2 \Pr_{i \sim D_t}(\mathbf x_i \in R_j) \end{align} \]
where in (\(\ref{eq:sumnodes}\)) we apply the law of total probability to sum over the tree’s leaf nodes.
The reasons why the tree only approximates the objective (\(\ref{eq:adaobjective}\)) are twofold. First, splits are chosen greedily. Second, (\(\ref{ass:objrct}\)) relies on (Assumption 2). Even if it holds on the dataset (the root node), it may not hold within child nodes. However, the regularisation proposed by Rzepakowski and Jaroszewicz can alleviate this. Moreover, as previously discussed we only require that our basis function be better than random, thus in practice the tree remains suitable.
Algorithm Uplift AdaBoost
Input: training set \(\{(\mathbf x_i, w_i, y_i)\}\), number of iterations \(T\)
- Set boosting labels \(\hat y_i = w_i(2y_i - 1) + (1-w_i)(1 - 2y_i)\)
- Initialise weights \(D_1(i) = \frac{1}{N}, i = 1, \ldots, N\)
- For \(t=1\) to \(T\):
- Fit uplift tree \(h_t\) with splitting criterion \(\mathcal C^\text{Euclidean}\) to the training set using weights \(D_t(i)\)
- Compute \(r_t = \sum_{i=1}^N D_t(i) \hat y_i h(\mathbf x_i)\)
- Compute step-size \(\alpha_t = \frac{1}{2} \ln(\frac{1+r_t}{1 - r_t})\)
- Update weights \(D_{t+1}(i) = \frac{1}{Z_t} D_t(i) \exp(-\alpha_t \hat y_i h_t(\mathbf x_i))\)
- Output ensemble \(\hat H_T(\mathbf x) = 2\left( {1+\exp({-2[\sum_{t=1}^T \alpha_t h_t(\mathbf x)]})} \right)^{-1} - 1\)
The final algorithm is a modification of Real AdaBoost with proxy labels \(\hat y\), and using Rzepakowski and Jaroszewicz’ uplift tree rather than a traditional decision tree.
Conveniently, the weight initialisation (step 2) allows us to drop (Assumption 2). If we have a consistent estimator of propensity \(\hat e(\mathbf x)\), we can instead choose weights \(D_1(i) = \frac{1}{Z}(1/\hat e(\mathbf x_i))\) and \(D_1(i) = \frac{1}{Z}(1/(1-\hat e(\mathbf x_i)))\) for treatment and control samples respectively. Under this new distribution (Assumption 2) holds.
After a brief introduction to uplift modelling, we have shown that it is theoretically possible to boost Rzepakowski and Jaroszewicz’ uplift tree without observing the ground truths \(\tau_i\). This is achieved using a surprisingly simple and naïve class transformation \(\hat Y_i\). In the next part of this series, we will examine the modified boosting algorithm’s performance, and discuss some of the challenges that come with producing useful evaluation metrics without access to the ground truths.
By definition:
\[ \begin{aligned} \tau(\mathbf x) ={}& \mathbb E[Y(1) - Y(0) | X = \mathbf x] \\ ={}& \mathbb E[Y(1) | W=1, X=\mathbf x]e(\mathbf x) + \mathbb E[Y(1) | W=0, X=\mathbf x](1-e(\mathbf x)) \\ & - \mathbb E[Y(0) | W=1, X=\mathbf x]e(\mathbf x) - \mathbb E[Y(0) | W=0, X=\mathbf x](1-e(\mathbf x)) \\ ={}& \mathbb E[Y(1) | W=1, X=\mathbf x]e(\mathbf x) + \mathbb E[Y(1) | W=0, X=\mathbf x](1-e(\mathbf x)) \\ & - \mathbb E[Y(0) | W=1, X=\mathbf x]e(\mathbf x) - \mathbb E[Y(0) | W=0, X=\mathbf x](1-e(\mathbf x)) \\ & + \mathbb E[Y(1) | W=1, X=\mathbf x](1-e(\mathbf x)) - \mathbb E[Y(1) | W=1, X=\mathbf x](1-e(\mathbf x)) \\ & + \mathbb E[Y(0) | W=0, X=\mathbf x]e(\mathbf x) - \mathbb E[Y(0) | W=0, X=\mathbf x]e(\mathbf x) \\ ={}& \mathbb E[Y(1) | W=1, X=\mathbf x] - \mathbb E[Y(0) | W=0, X=\mathbf x](1-e(\mathbf x)) \\ & + e(\mathbf x)\left( \mathbb E[Y(0) | W = 0, X=\mathbf x] - \mathbb E[Y(0) | W=1, X=\mathbf x]\right) \\ & + (1-e(\mathbf x)) \left(\mathbb E[Y(1) | W=0, X=\mathbf x] - \mathbb E[Y(1) | W=1, X=\mathbf x]\right) \end{aligned} \]
Under (Assumption 1), the observed outcome \(\mathbb E[Y(w) | W=w, X=\mathbf x]\) is the same as the unobserved \(\mathbb E[Y(1-w) | W=1-w, X=\mathbf x]\) which gives us:
\[ \begin{aligned} \tau(\mathbf x) ={}& \mathbb E[Y(1) | W=1, X=\mathbf x] - \mathbb E[Y(0) | W=0, X=\mathbf x] \\ ={}& \mathbb E[Y | W=1, X=\mathbf x] - \mathbb E[Y | W=0, X=\mathbf x] \end{aligned} \]
In their paper, Rzepakowski and Jaroszewicz argue that maximising Euclidean distance between treatment and control distributions is the best splitting criterion. For two discrete random variables \(P,Q\) with probabilities \(p_i = \Pr(P=i), q_i = \Pr(Q=i)\) respectively, their Euclidean distance is defined as:
\[D^\mathrm{Euclidean}(P, Q) = \sum_i (p_i - q_i)^2\]
Rzepakowski and Jaroszewicz consider datasets with multiple treatment groups, and trees with \(n\)-way splits. If we restrict to binary treatment with binary splits, we are left maximising:
\[ \begin{aligned} \mathcal C^\mathrm{Euclidean} ={}& D^\mathrm{Euclidean}((Y|W=1, \mathbf x \in R_\mathrm{Left}), (Y|W=0, \mathbf x \in R_\mathrm{Left})) \Pr(\mathbf x \in R_\mathrm{Left}) \\ &+ D^\mathrm{Euclidean}((Y|W=1, \mathbf x \in R_\mathrm{Left}), (Y|W=0, \mathbf x \in R_\mathrm{Left})) \Pr(\mathbf x \in R_\mathrm{Left}) \\ \end{aligned} \]
We can show that:
\[ D^\mathrm{Euclidean}((Y|W=1, \mathbf x \in R_j), (Y|W=0, \mathbf x \in R_j)) \\ \begin{aligned} \hspace{10em}={}& [\Pr(Y=1|W=1, \mathbf x \in R_j) - \Pr(Y=1|W=0, \mathbf x \in R_j)]^2 \\ & + [\Pr(Y=0|W=1, \mathbf x \in R_j) - \Pr(Y=0|W=0, \mathbf x \in R_j)]^2 \\ ={}& [\mathbb E[Y | W=1, \mathbf x \in R_j] - \mathbb E[Y | W=0, \mathbf x \in R_j]]^2 \\ & + [(1-\mathbb E[Y | W=1, \mathbf x \in R_j]) - (1-\mathbb E[Y | W=1, \mathbf x \in R_j])]^2 \\ ={}& 2 \hat \tau (R_j)^2 \end{aligned} \]
\[ \mathcal C^\mathrm{Euclidean} = 2 [\hat \tau(R_\mathrm{Left})^2 \Pr(\mathbf x \in R_\mathrm{Left}) + \hat\tau(R_\mathrm{Right})^2 \Pr(\mathbf x \in R_\mathrm{Right})] \]
(in (\(\ref{eq:utobjective}\)) we drop the redundant constant).
For attribution, please cite this work as
Mauger (2024, Jan. 27). Bruce Mauger: Boosting for Causal Effect Estimation. Retrieved from
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@misc{mauger2024boosting, author = {Mauger, Bruce}, title = {Bruce Mauger: Boosting for Causal Effect Estimation}, url = {}, year = {2024} }